Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Epic and Tolkien

Class Notes
o   The epic exists to give a large cultural message
o   Spent most of his life studying languages
o   Born in South Africa
o   His father was middle class merchant kind of family

o   His father died as soon as Tolkien went back to England to cure his own respiratory illness
o   Tolkien’s mom converts to Catholicism causing a rift between her and her family
o   Where is the money coming from? They moved into a small house under the patronage of the priest- in a small house on a pond at the end of town
o   Industrialization of the country side reflected in the movie more than the book
o   Countryside being idealized
o   Destruction of nature
o   His mother dies when he is 12
o   Interested in linguistics
o   Make up languages to play with it when you learn the rules

o   If you are making up a language you have to make up a culture to go with it (why middle earth is so detailed)
o   Joins up for World War I
o   Marries the teenage sweetheart from the orphanage
o   Eventually ends up in Oxford teaching early languages and linguistics
o   He knows epics
o   The Hobbit is written before the 2nd World War
o   The Bird and the Baby pub club meetings every week
o   The Inklings (college club) form the center of English fantasy club
o   He mumbles all his lectures
o   The lord of the rings was originally one big volume
o   The publisher divides it into three parts- this affects the entire realm of fantasy
o   Doesn’t really catch fire until the late 60’s in the United States
o   “Big hippie thing”
o   Gigantic revival with the movies

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